Introduction to Murray Corporation
Introduction to Murray Corporation

Introduction to Murray Corporation

How well do you really know Murray Corporation?

Get to know us even better by watching our fantastic, brand new About Us video, where we shamelessly tout some of the special things we do here at Murray to make your life easier. Click on the link to watch, or if you’d rather, you can read this article.

Many of you reading this are professionals all involved in the process of industrial hose clamp acquisition, and many of you sometimes have problems keeping it together.

You experience late deliveries, long lead times, non-responsive service, poor and inconsistent quality products, lack of engineering support, and having to manage many different suppliers.

You are in many different markets, so your needs are unique, and you require products that work in many applications.

Our customers keep it together and don’t worry about these issues.

Because at Murray We Keep Your $#!+ Together.  This is what we do, and it is our mission. 

What does this mean? Murray Corporation’s premium quality clamps keep your connections together, and our industry leading service helps you keep it together.

  • Over 100 years of experience means Murray understands your business.
  • Our ISO 9001 certification, Quality Management System, and commitment to continuous improvement gives you peace of mind.
  • Below 15 PPM Defect Rates.
  • Over 100 years of engineering experience to support you with creative solutions.
  • Standard 98% on time delivery performance.
  • The Murray Fast Response team means you get what you need when you need it.
  • All backed up by the Murray Sure Ship Sure Stock Guarantee Program.

This means our customers don’t worry about their plant being down due to parts not being available, otherwise resulting in sometimes hundreds or thousands of lost dollars in down time.  And they don’t worry about their customers experiencing failures due to product quality, avoiding possible leaks, damages, and recalls.  They know they will get the engineering support they need to get their project completed on time and within budget.  And they know Murray has an expanded product offering to solve many of their clamping needs, helping to eliminate the need for multiple suppliers.

Contact Murray to learn how we can help you and your business support your customers.

Great Service. Parts Fast. Guaranteed.

Contact Murray today to find out how we can help you keep your $#!+ together!

Sure Ship and Sure Stock Guarantee Program
Keep Your $#!+ Together With Our Quality Clamps and Guaranteed Service
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