Our focus on providing the highest quality customer service helps you keep it together, and our premium quality hose clamps help keep your connections together. We Keep Your $#!+ Together and we’ve been doing it for over 100 years.
Our primary business is manufacturing premium quality clamps and clamping solutions, and we solve problems for our customers.
Our clamps are made to industry standards such as SAE and DIN and we offer custom clamp solutions as well.
Does Murray have other products or services besides hose clamps?
Yes. We make many custom products to customer specs in metal stamping, plastic injection molded parts, casting, and machining, and we offer professional sourcing of complimentary products. Let us know how we can help.
Can I buy a few clamps from Murray Corporation?
We are a manufacturer and sell in carton quantities. We typically sell to distributors and resellers, as well as manufacturers and OEM’s. If you only need a few clamps, we will try to put you in contact with a distributor that may be able to help you with a smaller quantity of an item. There may be times where we are not able to help, but we will do our best to solve your challenge.
Purchase Order Information
How do I place an order?
You can send a purchase order by email to orderentry@murraycorp.com, you can submit an order through our website by clicking HERE and selecting “I want to submit a purchase order”, or you can call us. We require a written purchase order to help ensure we get your order correct.
Can I purchase from Murray if I’m located outside of the US or Canada?
Yes. We export to many customers globally if they can meet our minimum order requirements. Please Contact Us for details.
Why is there a broken carton charge of 15% per item?
We prefer to sell in full carton quantities as it is more economical. Opening a carton and shipping a partial carton takes time and resources, and we are left with another partial. We prefer not to break them open and ship partials, but if we do, there is a charge of 15%.
How does the broken carton charge work?
If a part comes in a carton qty of 500 pcs, and someone orders 700 pcs (1 full and 1 partial carton), and your price is $1.00 per piece normally, now the price will be $1.15 for all 700 pcs. We have this charge in order to deter customers from ordering in broken carton quantity increments when possible and to cover the added labor and material costs. Some customers prefer to pay the fee versus ordering full carton quantities.
Do I need to use the entire Murray Part Number on my order?
Yes. We want to get your order right. We have different part number extensions, such as 00C (bulk), 00P (10 pc packers for worm drive clamps), 00P100 (100 pc bags of pinch-clamps) …. Pricing is different, and we want to supply you with the parts that you need.
Technical Information
Are Murray hose clamps compliant with Reach, RoHs, Conflict Minerals, Prop 65 (California), and other global initiatives related to safety, social and environmental concerns?
Yes. Please contact your salesperson to receive a letter confirming our compliance with the various industry requirements.
Do you have pressure ratings such as PSI for your clamps in various applications?
No. There are many variables that can affect the performance of a clamp: Is it sized properly, is there a barbed fitting, the type and material of the hose/pipe, the fit of the hose on the fitting, is the pressure constant, pulsing or in bursts, among others. We recommend that we submit samples for our customers to conduct their own testing and evaluation. In some cases, customers have provided a hose and fitting to us for evaluation and to provide a recommendation. But it is ultimately up to our customer.
If outside independent testing is required, please contact your salesperson.
Can you provide tensile strength for the clamp steel?
We have data for the mill specs of the material based on steel grade, dimensions, and specs. However, if the clamps are to be used for an application other than sealing a hose, for example holding a heavy item in place or hanging on a pole, it’s best if the customer evaluate samples in the conditions of their application including temperature, wind, whatever factors may affect the performance, to ensure the clamp will work properly. In some cases, we can help with coordinating testing.
Can stainless steel clamps be magnetic?
Yes. Metal is cold rolled and worked and during this process some magnetism may develop. Also, there can be some transference when a magnet touches stainless steel, leaving some magnetism. It’s best to obtain a chemical analysis or material certificates to verify the material, or obtain data from a spectrographic analysis, which Murray Corp can conduct.
Click HERE to read our Tech Tip about clamp magnetism for Worm Drive Clamps.
How do I insure I’m getting a high grade of quality steel?
You can request material certificates when placing your order (a fee may apply).
We check raw materials with spectrographic equipment to be certain of the steel chemistry.
How do I select the right size hose clamp?
Install the hose or pipe on the fitting, measure the outside diameter of the hose or pipe in three locations using a caliper and calculate the average outside diameter. Find the clamp range which is just slightly larger than the hose diameter and is within the clamping range.
You can click HERE to view a short video on how to select the correct size of hose clamp for your application